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Soldiers’ Graves Bear Witness to Russia’s Role in Ukraine webcam surveillance server “The purpose of this site is to show the world evidence of how Putin’s regime began open war with Ukraine,” Vladimir said, referring to the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. “I receive most of the information from a mothers’ committee, plus relatives,” he said. “People in Russia don’t want to talk about it openly.” Dead bodies began undermining the Kremlin’s official line in early June when a first load of corpses of Russian citizens who had volunteered to fight in Ukraine was carried back in a large white truck, marked with red crosses and a huge “200” scrawled on the sides. The reference was to “Cargo 200,” a phrase that originally referred to the weight of zinc coffins used to bring dead soldiers home from Afghanistan but now applies generally to military casualties. The trip was chronicled in detail by Maria Turchenkova, a Russian photographer, who was part of a small group of journalists that followed the truck.
